Friday, 25 March 2011

Ayurveda's Abhyanga: oleation on whole body with little pressure in a specific manner.

Ayurveda specially recommends Abhyanga in daily regimen. Abhyanga means oleation (i.e. application of oil) on whole body with little pressure in a specific manner.

Indications of Abhyanga (i.e. whom Abhyanga is advised) –

1) Joint disorders - sandhigata vata (osteo arthritis),
aama vata (rheumatoid arthritis), spondylitis, vata rakta (gout), disorders of
vertebral column, etc.

2) Muscular diseases like pain, spasm, myopathy (muscles
loose their power day by day).

3) Nervous system disorders - sciatica, hemiplegia,
paraplegia, poliomyelitis, cerebral palsy.

4) Circulatory problems – myocardial infarction, ischemic
heart disease, varicose veins.

5) Feminine problems – dysmenorrhea, oligomenorrhoea,
menorrhagia, leucorrhoea, menopausal syndrome.

6) Post delivery – after delivery to both mother &

7) Sportsman problems – always giving excess strain over
muscles, diseases like tennis elbow, lumbago, frozen shoulder, backaches, etc.

8) Psychological problems – depression, negative
thinking, constant worry, loss of memory, insomnia, illusions, and

9) Metabolic disorders – obesity, loss of weight & stamina.

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