Monday, 4 April 2011

Ayurveda's Marma massage

Our skin is the largest organ of our body.  It is most important and rich source of healing substances. It is very sensitive to the touch therapy, either by massage of powder, oil or just gentle pressure.
The touch of a human hand on the body has immediate benefits for the mind, emotions and the physiology. That is why Ayurveda has emphasized more on the healing magic touch since ancient times.
Neuro-chemical found in the nervous system is also present in the skin. Massage can stimulate such substances; hence it is effective in psychological as well as nervous conditions.
These are the vital or sensitive points/ areas in human body. These are the junction of muscles, bones, vessels, nerves, etc.
 Number of Marmas- Total 107

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Ayurveda's Spinal Massage-

Vertebral column is a main seat of Avlambak Kapha, spinal cord and Majja Dhatu.
There are 24 vertebras. Cervical -7, Thoracic-12 and Lumber- 5. Having 3 natural curves, the vertebras are connected to each other by muscles, ligaments and joints. There are 22 discs between these vertebras and nerves pass throug...h the openings in the vertebras. If a spine is properly aligned and strong the vital life force will flow in the body for longer duration.
If the spine is in right shape the man will think right, act right and live an energetic life. At the time of massage, masseur 1st learns how to put all vertebrae in proper alignment.
Another important thing is the role of the spinal fluid in maintaining the health, vigor, vitality and virility. Massage of spine can cure nervous and all psychic disorders.

Saturday, 2 April 2011

Ayurveda's Panchakrma Therapy:

These are 5 purification procedures; hence these procedures are called ‘Panchakarma’.
They are as follows –
1.Vamana (Medicated Emesis) – herb induced emesis / vomiting
2.Virechana (Medicated Purgation) – herb induced purgation / loose motions
3.Basti (Medicated Enema) – enema of medicated oil / decoction
4.Nasya (Nasal Drops) – nasal administration of medicine
5.Raktamokshana (Blood Letting) – blood letting procedure.

I. Vamana – Herb induced emesis/ vomiting               
This is the first main purification procedure. Snehana & Swedana is followed by Vamana. 
It is the procedure in which excess & vitiated Doshas are removed from upper part of the body by the way of vomiting. 
In this procedure, vitiated Kapha & Pitta Doshas ar...e eliminated from body. This vomiting is induced with herbal vomitting substances.
Indications –
It is the main method of eliminating Kapha Dosha & some extent of removal of Pitta Dosha. Hence it is used for the patients having diseases of Kapha & Pitta predominance.
4.indigestion diseases
10.mental disorders
12.excess salivation
13.loss of taste of food
14.hemorrhoids/ piles
15.tumors of fat & muscles
II. VIRECHANA - (Herb induced purgation)
This is the second main purification procedure. Snehana & Swedana is followed by Virechana.
The aim of this procedure is to stimulate vitiated Doshas from stomach, small intestine, liver, gall bladder & bring them to the gastrointestinal tract for their eventual ...expulsion via rectum through anus.
It is a simple procedure than Vamana to execute, involving only the administration of an appropriate purgative herbal formula. But preliminary procedures (snehana & swedana) must be completed prior to the procedure for the full effect of Virechana.
It is the procedure in which excess & vitiated Doshas are removed from lower part of the body by the way of purgation. [Ch. Su. 4/4]
In this procedure, vitiated Pitta & Pitta mixed with Kapha are eliminated from body. It is also useful for diseases of Rakta Dhatu, i.e. blood. [Ch. Su. 20/19]
This purgation is induced with herbal purgative substances.
Benefits of Virechana –
1.Cures diseses of Pitta Dosha & blood
2.Rejuvenate all tissues & body organs in the abdomen
3. It improves skin complexion longevity
5.Increases immunity power.
III. Basti – (Medicated Enemas):
It is the important procedure in Panchakarma, because it removes the excess Vata Dosha from body. It can’t compare with enema, because enemas are only for bowel cleansing, but Basti controls Vata Dosha.
The word ‘Basti’ means the urinary bladder. In the ancient days for introduc...tion of liquid into... the rectum, the urinary bladders of animals (cows, buffalo, and sheep) were used. So this procedure is named as ‘Basti’. A metal or wooden nozzle (i.e. basti netra) would be attached to that bladder for smooth function.
Now a days adult size enema pot (size 450 ml) or glycerin syringe (100 to 200 ml) are used.
  It is the procedure in which medicated oil/ oil with decoction are introduced into the large intestine through rectum with the help of enema pot or syringe.
IV. Nasya – Nasal administration of medicine
Nasya is the procedure in which medication is administrated through the nostrils in order to purify the head & neck region.
For Nasya, varieties of forms of medicines are used such as oils, powders, plant juices, decoctions, infusions, smoke, etc.
Importance of proced...ure – NASA HI SHIRASO DWARAM.
It means Nose is a route of Head. Being gateway to head, Nasya therapy is effective in diseases of head including 5 sense organs. In this, vitiated Doshas from head & neck region are eliminated through nose.
Hence, this therapy is beneficial in head & neck diseases.

V. Raktamokshana - Blood letting

Sushruta is a father of surgery. He put very much stress on Rakta (blood). He considered blood as 4th Dosha. Pure blood has life giving value & impure blood can create / spread diseases. Hence impure blood must be removed from body.
Pitta Dosha lives in blood, hence when Pitta is... vitiated Rakta (blood) is also vitiated. So, this therapy is useful in diseases caused by vitiated Pitta & blood.
To remove the vitiated Rakta (blood) from body is called ‘Raktamokshana’.
Types of Raktamokshana –
According to the area it covers –
A. Sthanika (Local) – Subtypes are -Prachana, Shringa, Alabu, Jalouka.
B. Sarvadehika (related with whole body) / Siravedha (through vein)

Friday, 1 April 2011

Benefits of Ayurveda's Shirobhyanga (head massage)-

•While oil is applied to the head it gets absorbed in the scalpand reaches to the  root of the hair.
•This nourishes, lubricated and strengthens the hair root and skin of the scalp preventing hair loss and premature graying.
•It also helps to improve circulation to the head relaxing the ...muscle and nerve fibres.
•This helps to refresh both the mind and the body.
•Relieving tension and fatigue.
•Massage to the head improves circulation of spinal fluid around the brain and spinal cord
•It also increases the releases of hormones and enzymes necessary for the growth of brain and relaxation of the body.